Savvy Lifestyle

Reading is Sexy
August 26, 2008, 11:02 pm
Filed under: fun! | Tags: , , ,

Reading IS sexy and I’m glad someone besides me has recognized this! 🙂  

I came across a mug with this little slogan on it the other day at Little Otsu.  I finally figured out where you can get t-shirts and much more with the same quote and many others.  Check out Sara Utter on buyolympia. The other artists on the site also have some interesting stuff worth checking out. I especially liked Sesame Letterpress.  You should give them a look.

_Rebecca, SF

Slow Food Nation

Get excited, Slow Food Nation is coming to SF next weekend!  The Slow Food Movement  (as we’ve mentioned before) has been gaining momentum for some time now.  They’ve organized one of the largest events so far and it’s coming up next weekend, right here in San Francisco.  

Here are some of the highlights you should check out:

-Attend a lecture by Joel Salatin of Polyface farms.  He’ll talk specifically about the sustainable farming practices he employs.  (He’s a featured in the book The Omnivore’s Dilemma.)

-You can browse thousands of booths in the taste pavilions and gorge yourself on some really tasty food. 

-You can sign up to volunteer for various projects around the city.   For example, they planted a Victory Garden  outside city hall on July 1st and all the food that’s harvested from it will be donated to local food banks and meal programs.

-Listen to some great music from people like Gnarls Barkley, The New Pornographers, and more.

-Pick a special dinner to attend with one of your favorite Bay Area restaurants

You better hurry, they’ve already sold out of morning tickets for both Saturday and Sunday!

_Rebecca, SF

Return to India
August 20, 2008, 10:05 pm
Filed under: travel | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Our good friend Jill returned to the U.S. 1 year ago from India after interning there for a consecutive 317 days working on architecture and city planning as well as experiencing the culture and not to mention shooting amazing photos

Just recently Jill got asked to go back to India by an organization called eMi who is in need of an architect for a campus plan & school design to serve orphans and children of leprosy parentage.  I have to mention that she was a little hesitant at first because this is strictly volunteer work and she didn’t think she would be able to afford it.  It wasn’t until a light bulb turned on in her head, she thought she would try to raise enough money by selling her previous photos to make the trip and donate any extra funds to the building. So, on September 6th Jill plans on returning to India to help with the program and take another round of outstanding photographs!

Please visit www.jillmlcom to view and purchase her photos from the past in the effort to not only make this amazing opportunity happen for her, but also to help the children!

Kelsey – Vail, CO


The Women’s Toolshed
August 17, 2008, 8:46 pm
Filed under: Women + Tools | Tags: , ,

What’s fun about blogging is connecting with other people who share the same passions as you do.  After receiving this wonderful comment from Leah Burton at the Women’s Toolshed, we had to contact her.  Here’s what she had to say:

What got you interested in tools?

My stubborn side.  The more people tell me I can’t do something, the more I want to prove them wrong!

What was your first project?  What was your most recent project?

Started as a regular laborer on construction sites.  Finished off by building two 2,000sf homes and doing pretty much every bit of it on my own.

Where do you find inspiration for your projects?

Everywhere!  Standing in line at the grocery store flipping through magazines, places I visit.  I’ll tear out pages of magazines I like and store them away in a file drawer for the right time.

What’s the most sexist thing anyone has said to you on a job site?

“You hammer like a girl.”  To which I responded, “You pee like a guy, what’s your point?” 

Were you able to turn being a woman on the jobsite to your advantage?

Absolutely! Guys are simple.  You don’t argue with them, you outsmart them.  Make them think it’s their idea and you can get just about anything done.  You just can’t get caught up in taking all the credit.

What are the biggest obstacles you see facing women today in the construction/carpentry industry?

Intimidation- One of the first things women ask me is, “Was it hard?”  No!  The biggest secret about the construction industry is that there is no secret.  The majority of things being built are being done by unskilled workers.  Just look at the “windshield contractors” with their huge beer bellies.  If it was that strenuous, they wouldn’t look like that.  You have to move past the attitudes and the maturity issues and just jump in.  Don’t be afraid!

Women are naturally detail-oriented and therefore inclined to do a good job on this type of work anyway.  It’s a matter of brains vs. braun.  The best guys on the job will tell you the same thing.

What changes would you like to see made in tools for women?

lighter, more ergonomic so you don’t have all the pain & arthritis issues that force you to stop working when you get older.  Making them more environmentally friendly.

What advice do you have for female entrepreneurs trying to make their dream a reality?

Don’t be afraid of failure.  Reinvent yourself each time.  Take your experiences and add them to your new perspective and push on.  Encourage and inspire each other.  Dispel the mystery surrounding the industry.

What’s next for you and the Women’s Toolshed?

I’m working on more books- specifically “Remodel Your House, Not Your Relationship”


Rebeccca_ SF

The LEAST Walkable
August 17, 2008, 8:39 pm
Filed under: kansas city | Tags: ,

As soon as I saw that a list had been compiled of the least walkable cities, I knew Kansas City would be on there and my secret psychic talents were correct.  We are unlucky number 7.  This city is so car dependent and really no public transportation so it wasn’t much of a surprise.  In Kansas City we are completely dependent on our cars.  You really can’t get anywhere with out car, by foot or public transportation.  With the link below you can get your “walkable score” for you own house.  I thought for sure that at least my house would score better since I live by so many conveniences, but I was only average.  It’s really interesting to see how you rank so be sure to check it out! 

Top 10 Least Walkable U.S. Cities

1. Jacksonville
2. Nashville
3. Charlotte
4. Indianapolis
5. Oklahoma City
6. Memphis
7. Kansas City
8. Fort Worth
9. El Paso
10. Mesa

Alison, KC, MO

San Francisco Green Building Ordinance

On August 4th, San Francisco took another huge leap in its effort to lead the world in environmental initiatives by signing into effect a new Green Building Ordinance.  The laws were developed over a 6 month period by a Task force on Green Building set up by Mayor Gavin Newsom.  After long negotiations these new laws have finally been set in motion and I’m excited about the prospects.  New residential, new commercial, and renovation projects will all be affected and the changes will start to take place almost immediately.   It’s all part of a 5 year plan for the city.  The initial requirements will have to be met starting with projects going for permits after November 1st of this year.  The focus is clearly on reducing energy and water use as well as the amount of waste created during demolition and construction.  They’ve broken building types down into several categories.  Here’s a brief synopsis of some of the new requirements:

– Small & Mid-size Residential projects will have to meet an increasing number of Green Point credits (similar to LEED) each year.

-High Rise Residential projects have to be LEED certified begining Nov. 1st and LEED silver by 2011.

– Mid-size commercial projects (5-25,000 SF) will have to fill out LEED checklists (but not necessarily comply) starting in November of this year, with additional requirements for energy & water conservation as well as waste diversion being added through 2011.

-Large commercial projects (25,000 SF or more) will have to be LEED certified beginning in November and LEED Silver by 2009

-Large commercial interiors projects and renovations (25,000 SF or more) must be LEED certified by November, LEED Silver, by 2009, and LEED Gold by 2012. 

This means big changes for architects, developers, and owners.  San Francisco is  hoping to set an example for cities around the world and inspire others to follow suit with their own regulations.   I for one, am very excited to be a part of the efforts. 

Rebecca_ SF

We can solve it
August 10, 2008, 11:20 am
Filed under: environmental issues | Tags: ,

Most of us saw an Inconvenient Truth and we’ve heard plenty of dire news stories about the direction we’re taking things in the environment, but the question always comes up- “What are we supposed to do about it?”  Al Gore took his prize money from the Nobel Prize award and started the We Campaign to fill that missing link.  It’s meant to unite people and demand policy change in the government and businesses.  Brian Hardwick, the campaign’s communications director was quoted as saying, “Changing light-bulbs is good, but changing laws is better.”  The main things on their agenda right now is pushing for requirements to use 100% renewable energy sources within the next 10 years.   Under the take action tab on the website, you can add your name to petitions being sent to state governors, senators, and representatives.  They help you write letters to local papers & community leaders, & businesses.  You can search for ways to get involved in your own community & learn about more things to do to reduce your personal impact.  It seems like a great resource to help people everywhere get involved and take action. 

Rebecca_ SF

Fish Frenzie

Do you ever find yourself hovering over the fish counter at your favorite market or local grocery store trying to figure out which fish looks the freshest?  When is comes to fish, there are so many different terms out there such as “organic”, “fresh”, “natural”, “wild-caught” it’s hard to keep them straight or know what to believe.  Thanks to Trout Unlimited, below is a guideline to help you understand where exactly your fish, specifically salmon, is coming from.

Pacific Salmon – Born in freshwater on the pacific coast, migrates to sea to grow and mature, then returns to stream to spawn and die.

Atlantic Salmon– Majority of salmon farmed in Pacific waters are non-native Atlantic’s, causing major problems for wild Pacific salmon, steel head and ecosystems. Wild stocks native to Atlantic coast severely diminished and not fished commercially.

Steelhead  – Ocean going rainbow trout that return to freshwater to spawn.  Highly prized by recreational anglers.  Wild steelhead almost never marketed for food, which means steelhead in stores are most likely farmed.   

Wild Salmon – Spawned, hatched and lives naturally in the wild. Feeds on insects and other small water creatures.  Migrates to sea and returns to freshwater to spawn and die.

Hatchery Salmon – Born in captivity, raised on an artificial diet, and released as juveniles to be caught as adults.

Farmed  – Spends entire live in captivity; fed artificial diet and treated with chemicals. The meat is often grayish and dyed pink to be sold in stores. Contains unsafe levels of toxins and reduces health benefits.  Alaska has no salmon farms whereas other salmon territories do. (See Image below)

Wild-Caught – Caught in open waters, salt or fresh. Some mixed stocks of wild and hatchery.

Line-Caught – Caught and handled individually by a fishing boat trolling with lines & hooks.

Fresh– Usually a term to disguise “farmed”.  If it’s “fresh” Atlantic salmon from B.C., Chile, or anywhere in the pacific, it can only be farmed.

Frozen at Sea – Wild salmon caught, processed, and frozen while still at sea, typically w/in an hour of being caught so that it’s freshness and quality are preserved. Good option for getting wild-caught salmon off-season.

Organic” – Does not currently exist in the US because there are no standards or USDA certification process.  Imports may be labeled as “organic”, but it’s important to know that it might be from a country with weaker environmental/ health standards.

“Natural” – A way to market farmed salmon that has been raised with fewer chemicals.  Even though there may be fewer chemicals than “farmed” salmon, it is still often raised in open net pens, emitting water, disease, and escapees putting wild fish at risk.

I hope this list has informed you to make the best decision when selecting your fish for tomorrows dinner.  I know it’s helped me!

Kelsey – Vail, CO

Simple Sewing
August 3, 2008, 2:06 pm
Filed under: DIY, fashion | Tags: , , , ,

My mom’s a home-ec teacher, so I grew up making little projects all the time, but for some reason never made it much past pillows and a few vests.  Over the past couple of years, I renewed my interest in sewing and decided to really step it up and see if I could make my own clothes.  I started out small, taking a basic class at Stitch Lounge.  It’s an amazing little studio where you can take sewing classes or even rent machines/studio time by the hour.  It was actually the first one of its kind in the nation.  Unfortunately, I think they’ve made enough money off of the books they write, that they’re going into early retirement, but supposedly there are many more places like them now for you to choose from. 

I graduated from there to a few patterns in Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing.  The book comes with all the patterns and the instructions are very easy to understand.  I highly recommend it! 

After a few of those projects, I finally felt ready to take on some real clothing.  I’d gathered a pretty large collection of my mom and aunt’s vintage patterns from their high school days when they made all their own clothes.  I picked one and headed to a wonderful little fabric store called Peapod Fabrics out in the Inner Sunset.  They have so many beautiful prints and all the prices were affordable, so it was hard to make a choice.  I finally settled on this super bright, vintage looking pattern that I thought would fit my dress quite well.  I’m excited to report that I just finished the dress and it turned out nice enough to actually wear in public!  Success!  I have to say, it feels pretty cool wearing something you made yourself and I had a lot of fun doing it.  After I make a few more things from patterns,the next step is both designing and making my own clothes. 
